Digital Electronics Lab , Theorems & A.C. Bridges





  • Regulated  short  circuit  proof  + 5, Volts  power  supply  suitable for  the  experimental  board , is  Builtin.
  • Circuit  is  printed  on  a  painted aluminum  sheet Panel  and components  are  mounted  on  the  top  of  the  panel  for  better  and  clear  understanding.
  • A working  manual  containing  theory,  circuit  details  and  operating  instruction  supplied  with  the  experimental  board.
  • Patch cords suitable to the terminals are supplied with the experimental board for easy inter – connections and longer working life of the terminals.
  • Output of  Flip – Flops  are  displayed  by  LED’s  which  have  Perspex  back  ground  for  better  visibility.
  • Contact  bounce  free  manual  clock  and  fixed  frequency  internal  free  running  clock  are  Builtin.
  • Clear  key  and  DATA  terminals  are  also  provided.
  • Weight : 2.5 Kg Approximately
  • Dimension : 250mm × 440mm × 80mm



  1. Verification  of  R–S  Flip–Flops.
  2. Verification  of  D  Flip – Flops.
  3. Verification  of  J–K  Flip–Flops.
  4. Binary  Ripple  Counters.
  5. Up–Down  Counter.
  6. Four – Bit  Synchronous  Counter.
  7. Ripple  Carry  Synchronous  Counter.
  8. Up–Down  Synchronous  Counter.
  9. Mod – 3   Counter.
  10. Mod – 5   Counter.
  11. Mod – 6   Counter.
  12. Mod – 7   Counter.
  13. Mod – 9   Counter.
  14. Decade  Counter.
  15. Mod – 11   Counter.
  16. Mod – 12   Counter.
  17. Mod – 13   Counter.
  18. Mod – 1   Counter.
  19. D – Type  Latch.
  20. Shift  Register.
  21. Ring  Counter.
  22. Johnson  Counter.
  23. Odd – Length  Johnson  Counter.
  24. Four – Bit  Asynchronous  Counter.
  25. Pseudo random sequence generator and may more experiments can also be done.
  26. Asynchronous Counter.


  1. One a general purpose C.R.O. to see the wave forms at different  Flip – Flops.

NOTE: There may be any change in specification due to continuous R & D without notice.

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