Electronics Lab Trainer

Study Of Voltage Controlled Oscillator Using I.C. – Ne - 566, Model – VCO – 10


Features :

  • Circuit  is screen  printed  on  a painted aluminum  sheet  to  facility  better  on  clear  under  standing.
  • A  complete  working  manual  containing  theory,  circuit  details  and  operating  procedure  is  supplied  with  the  experimental  board.
  • Stackable  type  connecting  leads  are  supplied  with  the board  for  easy  and  perfect  inter  connections.
  • D.C.  Regulated  Power  Supply  of  ± 12,  Volt  is  built-in.
  • Components  are  mounted  on  the  front  panel.
  • Weight : 2 Kg Approximately
  • Dimension : 210mm × 280mm × 82mm


Experiments  :

  1. To  study  Voltage  Controlled  Oscillator  (VCO  NE – 566)  characteristics.

Other  Apparatus  Required  :

  1. Study  of  Voltage  Controlled  Oscillator,  Model – VCO – 10.
  2. A with calibrated time base or  General  purpose  C.R.O.
  3. A  Digital  Multimeter.
  4. Frequency  Counter.

Note : There may be any change in specification due to continuous R & D without notice.

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