Electronics Lab Trainer

Study of Power supply, (Solid State) Model – SPS – 12.

Description : 

This set-up consists of step down transformer a rectifier circuits. Which can be used as a half wave or full wave rectifier, a filter circuit with an inductance and two capacitors, This arrangement can be used for the study of various configuration of filter and regulation circuits.

  • Weight : 2 Kg Approximately
  • Dimension : 210mm × 280mm × 82mm

The  following  studies  can  be  carried  out  with  this  set – up  :   

1. Study of Rectification : 

(a) Full – Wave  Rectification.
(b) Half – Wave  Rectification. 

2. Study  of  Filters :  

(a) Efficiency  of  various  type  of  Filters - p,   T – Type etc. (Ripple)
(b) The  Effect  of  Load.
(c) The  Effect  of  Regulation. 

3. Study  of  Rectification : 

(a) The  Effect  of  Load  on  regulation.
(b) The  Effect  of  Change  in  mains  voltage.


Brief  Specifications :

  • Output : 0 – 12, Volts.
  • Max.  Current  : 200, m Amp.
  • Regulation : 1%.


Other Apparatus Required :

  • Digital  Multimeter.
  • Rheostat,  Range  :  1000 ohm,  0.5 Amp.
  • Single Phase, Variable Auto Transformer (Variac), Enclosed, Capacity: 4 Amp.


Note: There may be any change in specification due to continuous R & D without notice.

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