Variable Power Inductors are manufactured for the best performance with Cold Rolled Grain Oriented (GRGO) Stampings in different Inductive and current ratings, for Lagging Power Factors in different capacities and configuration.
These Inductors are available in Three Phase and in Single Phase models with different current ratings and Inductive values. The centre portion (Limb) of core is variable by the help of a lead screw fitted with wheels. The variation of core creates variation in air – gap, and thus variation in Inductance.
The coils of these Inductors are wound on a Phionlic bobbins and impregnated with insulating varnish under vacuum, for convenient handling and easy transportation four wheels are provided at the bottom of the unit.
- Available in air cooled and oil cooled construction.
- Continues variation of Inductance.
- Continues rating.
- Separate terminal for each. Phase in 3, phase Inductors
Working Volts : 415 Volt / 50 Hz, Three Phase.
Inductor Value : Available in different Inductances.
Current Rating : Available in 5 Amp., 10 Amp., 15 Amp. & 20 Amp.