The laboratory quality, low priced decade boxes are designed for maximum usefulness and economy in laboratory measurements testing and development work.
Their accuracy is adequate for all but the most exacting applications and their small size and clear readent should be particularly useful in experimental set–ups using small modern components.
High quality, high stability metal film Resistances are used in these decades. The Model–503 decades are precision and handy units, which gives known resistance values. The instrument is designed to work in DC- full Audio Frequency range and low Radio frequencies having seven independent decades.
The resistance elements have no electrical connection to panel. Each decade have 10 resistances in series. All the decades have silver alloy contacts to ensure low contract resistance and long life. Fresh dial is shielded electronically.
Accuracy : ± 0.5%.
Low Contact Resistance.
Good Frequency Characteristics.
Excellent Stability.
Very Low Zero Capacity.
High Stability Metal Film Resistance are used.
Weight : 1.5 Kg. Approximately.
Dimension : 130mm × 455mm × 105mm
Accuracy “Long Term” :
Long term 2 years warranty applies to the tolerances given barring damage by excessive current. Tolerances apply at low current and at d.,c. ‘or’ low Radio Frequency.
Zero Resistance : Approx. 3 Milli ohms per dial.
Max. Current at 700C.
Max. of 3 mA in 1 M ohms Decades.
Max. of 5 mA in 100 K ohms Decades.
Max. of 10 mA in 10 K ohms Decades.
Max. of 30 mA in 1 K ohms Decades.
Max. of 100 mA in 100 ohms Decades.
Max. of 300 mA in 10 ohms Decades.
Max. of 500 mA in 1 ohms Decades.
Total Measuring Range of Resistance = 11.11111 Meg ohms.
Seven Decades as follows :
10 x 1 ohms. = 10, ohm.
10 x 10 ohm. = 100, ohm.
10 x 100 ohm. = 1 K, ohm.
10 x 1 K ohm. = 10 K, ohm.
10 x 10 K ohm. = 100 K, ohm.
10 x 100 K ohm. = 1 M, ohm.
10 x 1 M ohm. = 10 M, ohm.
Accuracy : Better than ± 0.5% or ± 0.05 ohms which ever is greater.
Note: There may be any change in specification due to continuous R & D without notice.
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