Power Electronics & Drives Lab

Study of Commutation Circuit Trainer, Model: CC – 201.

    The  Commutation  Circuit  Trainer,  Model – CC – 201  has  been  designed  to  perform  experiments  related  to  forced  Commutation   techniques  of  S.C.R.  Each  commutation  circuit  is  printed  on  the  panel  to  explain  the  commutation  process.  All  test  points  are  brought  out  to  the  banana  sockets  mounted  on  front  panel  for  observations.  Provision  is  made  to  change  passive  elements  for  understanding  thyristor  turn  off   time  and  circuit   turn  off   time.
    All  cares  have  been  taken to  make  this  unit convenient,  simple  in working.  The  commutation  unit  is  fully  self  content.  Only  a  general  purpose  C.R.O.  and  multimeter   are  required  to   perform  experiments.   All  key  components  are  mounted  on  a  glass  epoxy  P.C.B.
  • Weight             :           6.5Kg Approximately 
  • Dimension       :           250mm × 350mm × 150mm

The following experiments can be performed  :

  1. Turn – off  time  test.
  2. Class – ‘A’ or  self  commutation  by  resonating  the  load.
  3. Class – ‘B’ or  self  commutation  by  an  L.C.  circuit.
  4. Class – ‘C’ or commutation through charged capacitor switched by another load carrying SCR.
  5. Class – ‘D’ or  commutation  through  charged capacitor switched by auxiliary SCR.
  6. Class – ‘E’ or  external  pulse  source  commutation.
  1. General  purpose  Dual  Trace  Oscilloscope.
  2. Multimeter.
Note: There may be any change in specification due to continuous R & D without notice.
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